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National Cybersecurity Strategy, Bharat NCX 2023 Highlights

National Cybersecurity Strategy, Bharat NCX 2023 Highlights

India’s rapid digital transformation has brought about numerous opportunities, accompanied by an increase in cyber threats. The country has witnessed a substantial surge in internet users, digital transactions, and interconnected devices, making it imperative to address the escalating cyber security challenges.

Importance of National Cybersecurity Strategies

Importance of Cybersecurity Strategies

The escalating frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks necessitate proactive measures. Cyber security strategies act as a shield, protecting critical infrastructure, sensitive data, and individual privacy. The emergence of new technologies has made it even more important to have strong measures in place to guarantee a safe digital environment.

Relevance of Strategies Till 2023

Relevance of Strategies Till 2023

As we approach 2023, assessing the effectiveness and relevance of existing strategies is crucial. Cyber threats are dynamic, and strategies must evolve to counter new challenges. This article sheds light on the strategies implemented and their anticipated impacts in the coming years.

Historical Context

Evolution of Cyber Security in India

The evolution of national cybersecurity strategy in India can be traced back to the early days of the internet. From basic antivirus measures to comprehensive strategies, the journey reflects the nation’s commitment to adapting and strengthening its cyber security posture. Understanding this evolution is essential for gauging the effectiveness of current approaches. For more information regarding recent National cybersecurity strategies and cyberattacks follow us on LinkedIn.

Past Strategies and Their Effectiveness

Past Strategies and Their Effectiveness​

Previous cyber security strategies have played a pivotal role in shaping the current landscape. What works and what needs improvement may be better understood by analyzing the efficacy of various tactics. It also serves as a foundation upon which stronger constructions might be built.

Learnings from Previous National Cybersecurity Challenges

India has faced its share of cybersecurity challenges, from data breaches to ransomware attacks. Learning from these incidents is crucial for developing proactive strategies. It involves understanding the tactics employed by cybercriminals and fortifying defenses against potential threats. If you don’t know about role digital technologies can making you secure? then click here.

Overview of National Cybersecurity Strategies in India

National Cybersecurity Policy

National Cybersecurity Policy​

The National Cybersecurity strategy of policy launched in 2013, serves as a comprehensive framework for addressing cybersecurity challenges. It outlines the government’s approach to securing cyberspace, encompassing areas such as critical infrastructure protection, incident response, and capacity building.

Initiatives by Governmental Agencies

Several governmental agencies, including the National Cybersecurity Coordinator’s office and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), actively contribute to national cybersecurity initiatives. These agencies collaborate to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats, showcasing a coordinated approach.

Collaboration with Private Sectors

Public-private partnerships are instrumental in fortifying cybersecurity.  Initiatives like the Cyber Swachhta Kendra (Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre) are examples of how the government works with business sectors. This encourages information sharing and joint efforts in combating cyber threats.

Indian National Cybersecurity Strategies in 2023

Indian Cybersecurity Strategies in 2023​

The SCOPE Convention Centre in New Delhi served as the location for the Bharat National Cybersecurity Exercise (NCX) 2023. This national cybersecurity convention took place from October 9 to 20. This event held considerable national importance. An announcement from National Security Council Secretariat described this event as significant milestone in India’s steadfast pursuit of cybersecurity excellence.

Digital Defense Summit

The occasion functioned as a cohesive forum for more than three hundred attendees. All of these were members of various public and private sectors, government agencies, and organizations. They are all have a shared dedication to protecting critical digital infrastructure. The National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) of India and Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) worked together to host Bharat NCX 2023. At the concluding session, Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, Chief of Air Staff, delivered a motivational address to the attendees.

Role of Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari

Role of Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari​

Vivek Ram Chaudhari highlighted upon the necessity of national cybersecurity challenges in today’s society. Additionally, he brought up the fact that most future battles would take place online. He also highlighted the relevance of operational technology in the sphere of the Internet. Dr Samir V Kamat is the Secretary DDR&D and Chairman of Defense Research and Development Organization. He specifically mentioned these kinds of events that would strengthen cybersecurity posture of country during his speech at closing session.

Strategic Cyber Insights

Further strengthening the event’s relevance, Lt Gen M U Nair, National Cybersecurity Coordinator, delivered strategic review of India’s cyber domain. His thoughts exposed shifting panorama of cyber dangers, underlining essential role of collective vigilance in defending the nation’s digital assets. Colonel Nidhish Bhatnagar, the Director of RRU, expressed his respect for unwavering devotion of Gol to National cybersecurity during the occasion. He underlined the crucial relevance of such measures in defending India’s digital security. Especially at a period defined by growing digitization and an increased susceptibility to threats.

Bharat NCX 2023 Milestone

Bharat NCX 2023 Milestone​

According to National Security Council Secretariat, Bharat NCX 2023 is a watershed moment in India’s relentless pursuit of cybersecurity excellence. It highlights the critical importance of cooperation and information exchange among public, private, and governmental stakeholders. Over six days, the activity allowed the participants to engage in hard training. A five-day red-on-blue Live Fire cyber exercise pitted participants’ cyber prowess against that of a formidable opponent. To prepare for actual cyber threats, exercise included strategic track. Where top-level executives could talk about the state of the industry, how to respond to incidents and crisis management.

CISOs Conclave Highlights

CISOs Conclave Highlights​

Over 200 Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) from the commercial sector, public organizations, and government were present at Bharat NCX CISOS Conclave. Which took place alongside the main event at Bharat NCX 2023. Professionals in the field got together for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discuss the dynamic nature of cyber threats.

Tech Solutions by MSMEs

The Bharat Global Cybersecurity Expo 2023 was an exposition that highlighted the innovative work of Indian  Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises  MSMEs in the cybersecurity industry. These businesses displayed state-of-the-art solutions and technologies at the event.  This was to highlight the crucial role that these dynamic organizations play in strengthening India’s national cybersecurity ecosystem.

National Cybersecurity Imperative

National Cybersecurity Imperative​

During its efforts to strengthen our cyber defenses, Bharat NCX 2023 brought to light the need for a National Cybersecurity Strategy. Governmental frameworks supported by laws, efficient means of sharing danger information, and strengthened public-private partnerships are the desired outcomes of this approach.


In an era marked by the increasing prevalence of digitization, Bharat NCX 2023 serves as a strong reminder of the crucial need of collective vigilance and preparation in defending our nation’s unique digital assets.

Top 9 New Cyber security Vulnerabilities to Watch Out for in 2023

Top 9 New Cyber security Vulnerabilities to Watch Out for in 2023

The year 2023 brings with it an array of new challenges in the realm of cyber security. As technology advances, cybercriminals are quick to adapt, making it essential for individuals and organizations to stay informed and proactive. Let’s explore the top 10 cyber security vulnerabilities that are poised to pose significant threats this year.

1. Ransomware Renewal in Computer security

Ransomware renewal in cyber security

a. Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) in Cyber Security

Ransomware attacks have been on the rise, with cybercriminals using increasingly sophisticated techniques to break cyber security barriers. In 2023, we can expect these attacks to become even more prevalent, targeting both individuals and businesses. Ransomware, a form of malware that encrypts a victim’s data and demands a ransom for its release, has evolved into a highly profitable criminal enterprise. If you are using Mac than you also must read THIS before something bad happens to you. 

Cybercriminals now have access to Ransomware-as-a-Service platforms, which allow even those with minimal technical skills to launch attacks. This “business model” has lowered the cyber security barrier to entry for would-be attackers.

b. Double Extortion

In addition to encrypting files, cyber security ransomware attackers are increasingly stealing sensitive data before encrypting it. They then threaten to release this data unless the ransom is paid, creating a double extortion tactic that puts additional pressure on victims.

c. Target Diversification

While ransomware initially targeted individuals and small businesses, it has now expanded to target larger organizations, municipalities, and critical infrastructure. No one is immune to these attacks.

2. IoT Vulnerabilities in Cyber Security

IoT Vulnerabilities by Ransomware


As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, so does the attack surface for cybercriminals, including ransomware attacks. Vulnerable IoT devices can provide entry points for hackers to infiltrate networks and compromise data.

a. Lack of Cyber Security Updates

Many IoT manufacturers do not provide regular security updates for their devices, which leaves them vulnerable to known exploits and vulnerabilities, including those exploited by ransomware.

b. Weak Cyber Security Authentication

Some IoT devices still use default usernames and passwords, making them easy targets for brute-force attacks, including those conducted by ransomware operators. Users must change default login credentials to enhance security.

c. Botnet Attacks on Cyber Security

We can recruit compromised IoT devices into botnets, which can be used for various malicious purposes, including DDoS attacks. This poses a threat not only to individual users but also to the stability of the internet itself.

3. Supply Chain Attacks and Ransomware

Supply Chain Attacks and Ransomware due to vulnerabilities

Supply chain attacks, including ransomware incidents, have gained notoriety, with hackers targeting software and hardware providers. These attacks can have far-reaching consequences, affecting many organizations downstream.

a. Software Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Cybercriminals have successfully infiltrated the software supply chain, injecting ransomware and other malware into legitimate software updates. When users unknowingly download and install these compromised updates, their systems become compromised.

b. Hardware Backdoors

The integrity of hardware components can also be compromised. Malicious actors may insert ransomware-related backdoors or vulnerabilities into hardware at various points along the supply chain, allowing for unauthorized access.

4. AI Powered Cyber security Threats

AI Powered Cyber security Threats

Artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword. While it enhances security in some aspects, cybercriminals can also it to create convincing deepfake content, further blurring the line between reality and deception. you can read about Introducing AI-powered insights in Threat Intelligence by clicking here.

a. Deepfake Social Engineering

Deepfake technology can create highly convincing impersonations of individuals, including company executives. We can leverage these impersonations for social engineering attacks, tricking employees into divulging sensitive information or transferring funds.

b. AI-Powered Attacks on Cyber Security

Cybercriminals can use AI to automate and optimize attacks, making them more efficient and difficult to detect. AI-driven attacks can adapt in real time, evading traditional security measures.

5. Zero-Day Exploits

Zero-Day Exploits in Cyber security

Zero-day exploits, which target vulnerabilities unknown to software vendors, remain a significant concern. Cybercriminals can exploit these weaknesses before patches are available, posing a severe threat.

a. Increased Demand on Vulnerability Marketplaces

The demand for zero-day exploits has created a thriving underground marketplace where these exploits are bought and sold. This incentivizes hackers to discover and exploit new vulnerabilities. If you are looking for a fully updated and vulnerability free website or mobile application, click here.

b. Targeted Cyber Attacks

State-sponsored hackers often use zero-day exploits in highly targeted attacks, making it challenging for organizations to defend against these threats.

6. Cloud Cyber security Concerns

Cloud Cyber security Concerns

With the increasing adoption of cloud services, security in the cloud becomes paramount due to having possible vulnerabilities. Misconfigured cloud settings and inadequate access controls can lead to data breaches and unauthorized access.

a. Misconfigured Cloud Resources

Human error gives rise to vulnerabilities, which is a common cause of data breaches in the cloud. Misconfigured resources, such as improperly secured storage buckets, can expose sensitive data to the public internet.

b. Insider Threats

Insider threats are amplified in cloud environments, as authorized users often have broad access to cloud resources through accessible vulnerabilities. Malicious or careless insiders can compromise data integrity.

7. Mobile Malware Proliferation

As mobile devices become integral to our lives, they also become prime targets for malware. Mobile malware can steal personal information and compromise device functionality.

a. Malicious Apps for Cyber Attacks

Cybercriminals create malicious apps that mimic legitimate ones. Unsuspecting users may download these apps, increasing vulnerabilities and unknowingly giving attackers access to their devices and data.

b. SMS Phishing (Smishing)

Smishing is a form of phishing that occurs via SMS messages. Attackers send text messages containing malicious links or prompts to download malware-infected apps to breach cyber security.

8. Quantum Computing Risks

Quantum Computing Risks in Cyber Security

While quantum computing holds promise for various fields, it also threatens encryption methods used today. Cyber security experts must stay ahead of the curve in developing quantum-resistant encryption techniques.

a. Breaking Current Encryption

Quantum computers can efficiently solve complex mathematical problems, such as factoring large numbers. This capability could render traditional encryption methods obsolete, as quantum computers could easily decrypt encrypted data.

b. Post-Quantum Cryptography for Cyber security

Researchers are actively developing post-quantum cryptography methods that can resist attacks from quantum computers. Transitioning to these new cryptographic standards will be crucial for maintaining data security.

9. Social Engineering Sophistication

Social engineering ransomware attacks continue to evolve, becoming increasingly sophisticated. Cybercriminals use psychological manipulation to deceive individuals into divulging sensitive ransomware information.

a. Spear Phishing

Spear phishing involves personalized, highly targeted ransomware attacks that focus on specific individuals or organizations. Attackers gather detailed ransomware information to craft convincing ransomware messages that appear legitimate. As you provide your personal ransomware information, vulnerabilities to your business and/or personal ransomware life become easier to find.

b. Vishing

Vishing, or ‘voice phishing,’ is a sneaky ransomware trick used by cybercriminals when they make phone calls. They pretend to be from trusted places or people to steal secret sensitive information leading hacker to exploit your ransomware vulnerabilities easily. This type of ransomware cyberattack is hard to spot and protect against, which makes it really concerning.

c. Psychological Manipulation

Imagine receiving a phone call that looks like it’s coming from your bank, and the person on the other end asks for your credit card details. This scenario illustrates a classic case of ransomware vishing, a form of ransomware cyberattack that has been on the rise in recent years. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), ransomware vishing incidents increased by over 20% in 2020 alone, highlighting the growing threat posed by this deceptive ransomware tactic.


As we navigate the digital landscape of 2023, it’s crucial to remain vigilant against these emerging cyber security threats. Staying informed, adopting robust security measures, and fostering a culture of cyber security awareness are essential steps in safeguarding our digital lives. Cybersecurity threats of 2023 are indeed concerning, they also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration. By staying informed, adopting cutting-edge security measures, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, we can mitigate risks and navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Remember, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and together, we can build a more secure digital future.