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Why CyberNexGuard Penetration Testing?


We Provide Expert Penetration Testing

Meet compliance requirements by demonstrating a commitment to protect your customer information

Web Application Testing

We thoroughly examine your web applications, uncovering vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, (CSRF), cross-site scripting (XSS), and more. Get actionable insights to fortify your online presence.

API Penetration Testing

This involves testing APIs for vulnerabilities, such as broken authentication, authorization bypass, and insecure data transmission. APIs are used to connect different applications and services, so it is important to ensure that they are secure.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

We dive deep into your mobile apps, identifying vulnerabilities such as data leaks and insecure API usage. We'll offer practical steps to keep your users' data safe.

Network Penetration Testing

Our experts analyze your network infrastructure, pinpointing weaknesses like misconfigured devices and open ports. Our goal is to provide you with a clear report and solutions to bolster your network security.

Cloud Penetration Testing

We specialize in securing your cloud infrastructure by uncovering issues like misconfigurations and weak access controls. Our specialized testing will help ensuring your data remains protected.

IoT Penetration Testing

Trust us on securing your Internet of Things devices, protocols, and backend systems. Mitigate potential threats and safeguard the privacy of your IoT ecosystem.




Penetration Testing Methodology Follows a 7-step


In this phase, the penetration testing team and the client establish the scope, objectives, and rules of engagement. They define what systems or applications will be tested, the testing methods, and any constraints or limitations.

Information Gathering (Reconnaissance)

This step involves gathering as much information as possible about the target, which can include domain names, IP addresses, email addresses, and employee information. This is often done through passive methods like online searches, DNS enumeration, and social engineering.

Vulnerability Analysis

Once sufficient information is gathered, the penetration testers analyze the data to identify potential vulnerabilities. This may involve using automated tools to scan for known vulnerabilities or conducting manual analysis to uncover unique weaknesses.


In this phase, the penetration testers attempt to exploit the identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access. This may involve using various tools and techniques to breach the system or application.

Post-exploitation (Maintaining Access)

After gaining access, the testers work to maintain their presence within the system, simulating what a real attacker might do. This involves privilege escalation, lateral movement, and attempting to access sensitive information.


A detailed report is generated to document the findings of the penetration test. This report typically includes an executive summary, methodology used, vulnerabilities discovered, exploitation details, risk assessment, and recommendations for mitigation.

Cleanup and Remediation

Once the testing is complete, the penetration testers work with the client to remediate the identified vulnerabilities. This involves fixing the issues, applying patches, and implementing security measures to prevent similar vulnerabilities from occurring in the future.


Our Client Testimonials

We've been working with Cyber Nexguard for several years now, and we've always been happy with their services. Their team is responsive, professional, and knowledgeable. They've helped us to identify and fix a number of security vulnerabilities in our system, and we're confident that they're helping us to keep our data safe.

Paul Swaak (Qarin)

We weren't just looking for someone to highlight our issues; what we really needed were solutions. Cyber NexGuard not only pinpointed vulnerabilities in our mobile app but also offered valuable guidance to our team on how to address them. Their hands-on approach truly distinguishes them in the industry.

Peter Hall (DMS Software)

I was really impressed with the thoroughness of Cyber NexGuard's pentesting services. They were able to find a number of vulnerabilities in our system that we had missed, even though we had already implemented a number of security measures. They also provided us with a detailed report on their findings, which was very helpful in understanding the risks and how to mitigate them. I would highly recommend Cyber NexGuard to any business that is serious about security.

Cassey Blaney

As a startup, we needed affordable but effective cybersecurity solutions. Cyber NexGuard provided just that, delivering a comprehensive assessment that fit our budget and helped us secure our systems.

Sarah Lavone (Bundle Birth Nurses)


Frequently asked questions

To get started, simply reach out to our team through the provided contact information on our website. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your specific needs, determine scope, and outline the next steps.

The cost of a pentest will vary depending on the size and complexity of the system being tested, the type of pentest being conducted, and the experience of the pentester. However, most pentests typically cost between $5,000 and $25,000.

Yes, our team consists of certified and highly experienced penetration testers with expertise in various domains, ensuring the highest level of expertise and professionalism.

We take measures to minimize disruptions during testing. Our team works closely with your organization to schedule tests at convenient times and avoid critical downtime.

The duration varies depending on the scope and complexity of the test. It can range from a few days to several weeks. We'll provide a clear timeline during the planning phase.

We will provide a detailed report outlining the vulnerabilities and recommended remediation steps. Our team can also assist in the remediation process if requested.

Yes, we have experience in helping organizations meet compliance standards. Our reports can be valuable evidence for compliance audits.

We pride ourselves on our experienced team, comprehensive methodology, and commitment to delivering actionable results. Our focus is not just on finding vulnerabilities but helping you secure your organization effectively.